

Aug 12, 2023

Illumina names Hologic CEO as new board member and chair

Il­lu­mi­na's board ap­point­ed two new mem­bers, in­clud­ing Ho­log­ic CEO Stephen MacMil­lan as the non-ex­ec­u­tive chair, a move that fol­lowed a proxy fight that saw share­hold­ers oust the com­pa­ny's board chair.

The DNA se­quenc­ing com­pa­ny al­so ap­point­ed Scott Ullem, the CFO of Ed­wards Life­sciences, to the board, ac­cord­ing to a com­pa­ny state­ment.

Il­lu­mi­na's plans to add two new board mem­bers came as Carl Ic­ahn waged a board proxy cam­paign cul­mi­nat­ing with share­hold­ers elect­ing his can­di­date, An­drew Teno, over board chair John Thomp­son. Il­lu­mi­na CEO Fran­cis deS­ouza sur­vived a threat to his board seat by se­cur­ing more than twice the share­hold­er votes than his chal­lenger. An­oth­er Il­lu­mi­na can­di­date, Robert Ep­stein, was al­so elect­ed and re­mained on the board.

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