

May 17, 2023

NFL enlists Tom Brady to help educate players on gambling policy

The NFL needs to get players to understand the do's and don'ts of its gambling policy. To help spread the message, the Shield has enlisted the GOAT.

Via Mike Klis of, Tom Brady taped an introduction to the league's educational video regarding the gambling policy. It will be shown to all players.

In the video, Brady reportedly addresses his love for football, and he explains that playing in the NFL was a privilege of a lifetime. He says that betting on NFL games impairs the integrity of the league and the reputation of everyone on a given team — and that it's just not worth it.

The message not to bet on NFL games is simple and clear. The more confusing message arises from the ability to bet on other sports while not on team property, and the prohibition against doing so the moment the player entered the workplace.

That's where more work needs to be done in crafting the message. More work also needs to be done in determining the proper limits of the policy. It would be easier to get the message across to all players if all forms of sports wagering were forbidden.

Please do not bet on the NFL. And now, a moment from our sponsors, Draft Kings.

Ah yes, grab the dude who endorsed a cryptocurrency Ponzi scheme. Seems legit.

I wonder how much Brady got paid for that public service announcement

Of course. You have to bring in the subject matter expert on cheating and defying policy.

What about freedom to gamble? Lol. Ridiculous that atheletes aren't allowed to bet on sports. Especially events that they don't even participate in. How does a football player hurt integrity while betting on baseball. Lol. Not having freedom to perform rights, is pretty pathetic.

This is rich. A league that framed him for cheating with a preposterous story and premise, now is using him.

He's out of his mind.

"But if you absolutely must gamble on a football game, make sure to connect with your preferred team's quarterback so he can deflate the ball enough to give them an advantage," added Brady, merely as a footnote.

Or you know, they can stop caring what they legally gamble on inside a specific area as long as it's not the NFL. The fans can gamble there.

Makes sense.If Tom Brady can convince you to invest your life savings in crypto, he can surely convince you to stop gambling.

Here is a policy. Don't do it. You have everything to lose and nothing to gain. You are young and can gamble all you want when you are done with the NFL.

There's money to be made, and money to lose. If you can't pay it without putting yourself in a bind. Don't do it. If you have the cash and can be alright without it, still, don't do it. If you find a dummy who's giving you a great bet… maybe. But if it's Vegas odds, it's best to stay away from gambling.

It's cringeworthy that adults need to simply be told do not gamble. Is it really that difficult? Do not gamble during your very brief careers. It really is that simple.

If players are too dumb to listen to the multiple warnings they are given each year, ‘eff ’em. They can't possibly claim they don't know the rules.

I feel Ike they should find a better messenger on integrity and gambling than the guy who's a major shareholder in a fraudulent cryptocurrency exchange.

Pete Rose should do it, but his only regret is getting caught.

Don't gamble and DO NOT get paid in Crypto !

How's that bet on FTX working out?…

Help educate? Seems like common sense is all you need

What is a 40 yo guy with hundreds of millions in the bank and a reconstructed face gonna say to convince a 23 yo from the wrong side of town who just got paid 5 mill for the first time in his life? These recent pinches are just the tip of the iceberg. NFL opened pandora with the wagering ish

I bet that wagering on the inflation level of the NFL football wasn't discussed in the Brady video.

He should make sure he brings his FTX presentation slides.

I can just see the promo now, a Tom Brady avatar with laser beams for eyes and an FTX t-shirt talking about the dangers of gambling. Because one of the biggest crypto salesmen around knows a thing or two about unnecessary risk.

We will never be free.

So the John and Jane Does of the world can gamble on NFL games to no effect on the integrity of the business, even though John Doe may be in hawk beyond his means? But the player pulling down a 7 figure salary cannot wager .0001% of his salary as this lacks ehthical coherence? The hypocrisy and self- serving BS of the NFL is beyond the pale.

He is the GOAT, is there nothing he cannot do?

This PFT Member thinks players should listen to Tom Terrific when he's teaching lessons about gambling. But when he's teaching lessons about investing in cryptocurrency? Well. Not so much.

Oh boy, the start of the NFL shoving their golden boy further down our throats. Like they haven't put him on a high enough pedestal the last 20+ years. Next he’ll be the new commissioner of the No Fun League.

Is this the same man that Roger accused of deflating footballs? I guess Tom was innocent after all.


Let's make this gambling thing as clear as mud. The owners can place bets on games with one another.

They already get to rake the majority of proceeds.

Let's penalize the players instead.

The tom brady who was a pitch man for FTX? yeah, tone deaf it is.

8/1 getting Tom on board is a big success.

and how to deflate the odds of getting suspended.

"That's where more work needs to be done in crafting the message"

What else could these kids possibly need to be told, besides don't do it? I realize these guys generally aren't the smartest and have been coddled their whole life. But if they’re told to not do one simple thing and do it anyway, then they deserve every punishment they get.

It would be easier to get the message across to all players if all forms of sports wagering were forbidden._____________

Easier perhaps, yet unrealistic. Sports wagering is now legal in over 30 states. A high percentage of the 18-30 old demographic gamble on sports. Should we really expect NFL players to buck those trends? Is it fair to do so?

A blanket prohibition against all forms of sports wagering makes no sense. How does a player placing an over/under bet on how many strikeouts Verlander gets in a game effect the integrity of the NFL? Players such as Tom Brady and Aaron Rodgers have attended the Kentucky Derby for years. Should they be prohibited from betting on the races? After all, that is sports wagering.

The jokes tee themselves up, but the fact is, if you know every signal that a defense calls, you’ve got a sure thing when you call your offense's plays.

So the NFL asks the one guy who has benefitted from cheating more than anyone in NFL history to talk to a group of players…to not cheat?

Tom Brady: "Don't bet on football". ‘Thanks for coming".

so let me get this straight..the guy who was accused and punished for cheating and on the team that was accused and punished for cheating multiple times is talking about the integrity of the league. is it me here???

All well and good. How come they let the media talk about the lines and over under? The NFL is a much of hypocrites led by the biggest one of them all, Roger Goodell.

Gambling is a tax on the mathematically challenged.

If those big bunch of dummies do not have it figured out by now they never will.

Yes — the guy who's being sued for representing a fraudulent crypto exchange along with 20 other athletes who won't say "no" to any offer — he's a great spokesman for financial and competitive integrity.

Yeah that wouldn't be my first choice

Ironic considering all the work Brady's had done gives him quite the poker face.

and deflate balls

"Take it from me, I bet on crypto and lost big. Gambling just isn't worth it."

It's a joke, right? Tom Brady speaking about the integrity of the game? Ok, I realize Brady is one of the all time great players, but he's been caught cheating.

Let's get the guy who was named in a lawsuit because he shilled for a grifter currently under federal indictment for fraud to educate players about not gambling… If someone were to write a TV show about a sports league and decided to copy verbatim some of the crap we see from the NFL (from Deflategate to the Washington sale) it would never see the light of day simply because every producer would say "Your characters are too dumb, no one would think this is realistic… Maybe if you recast it as a comedy"

Yea it seems as though this policy of mobile betting while on a team sanctioned trip, or property is not well thought out. 6 games to play slots while on a bus? 6 games to bet on a NCAA basketball game while your in a hotel during a road trip? PED, Domestic Violence, Swinging a helmet at another man's head, Drunk driving… which is the worst offense mentioned? Which is an automatic 6 no questions asked?

Educate?Really?Let me take a crack at it……Don't do it. You’ll get in trouble.Wow…..that was rough.

Getting a known cheater to educate on gambling? Makes sense I guess!!

Lol. A guy you’ve accused of cheating is your leader for a PSA on how to follow rules?

Is he going to advise them to use only cryptocurrency?

LOL. What? How complicated can this possibly be?

– Don't bet on NFL games. Ever.– Don't place any bets on anything while on NFL property. Ever.– If confused or in doubt, don't bet. Call your agent for guidance.

There, I just saved the NFL whatever fee they were gonna pay Brady.

I don't think complexity of the current rules is the problem. The policy isn't that complicated. If the player is inattentive or unwilling, simplifying the rules to an absolute "no gambling on sports" or "no gambling at all" won't help much. I suspect the guys who are pleading ignorance about the policy actually knew something about it, and just didn't think they would get caught.

"Don't bet on the NFL kids, bet on crypto instead!But if you do bet on the NFL, let me show you how to destroy a cellphone…"

you really have to wonder if the nfl decision makers are just dumb, clueless, dont think things through, etc etc..i mean really, some of the things they do just defies all this for instance..lets get the guy whos cheated and who endorsed a horrible ponzi scheme to talk about integrity to young players. wtf?

Stop the idiotic comments about Draftkings….WE can bet. THEY CAN NOT…guess what you are probably having a beer when you watch the game, the players can't have that either!

So they hired the guy who is being sued for helping push a Ponzi scheme on the public. Cool.

A lying cheater?

Great idea.

Soooo…. the NFL is officially done calling him a cheater?

Totally agree with Mike the rule about gambling on team premises is not as clear. It would be in a world absent of technology. If an player places bets on an NHL or NBA game using their mobile phone while being away from the team facility, and later receives a notification about the game while connected to the team's Wi-Fi at the facility, would this be considered a violation?

The Wi-Fi logs would show evidence that they were connected to the betting site while at the team facility, so I think it would.

It feels like it would be better to either allow gambling on other sports or disallow it and not have this rule.

NFL message should be no gambling on any sport period. If you want to buy powerball, scratch off or pull a slot machine/5 card stud, fine. Just don't gamble on any sports. Period.

And a lesson on deflating footballs is included.

maverick7wi says:June 8, 2023 at 11:11 amNFL message should be no gambling on any sport period. If you want to buy powerball, scratch off or pull a slot machine/5 card stud, fine. Just don't gamble on any sports. Period.


That's not the rule so that can't be the message. They can bet on other sports. Also, why do you think that? You can bet on sports you don't play. Why don't you think they should have the same right?

Hey Mike, Isn't this just what a lawyer for the Lions guys or others wants to see? Does it not show that previous NFL attempts to educate the teams and players were incomplete or worse?

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