

Jul 02, 2023

Potts Grove Fire Company files litigation against East Chillisquaque Township

EAST CHILLISQUAQUE TOWNSHIP — The Potts Grove Fire Company has filed litigation against the East Chillisquaque Township, Northumberland County, supervisors.

Following a 20-minute executive session, the matter was addressed during Monday's township supervisors meeting.

On May 1, the supervisors voted to permanently de-certify the fire department, which included ending a 99-year lease the fire department had to operate its fire station on land owned by the township. Supervisors voted to first de-certify the fire department in February 2022, and subsequently entered into an agreement with Milton Borough to have the Milton Fire Department become the primary responding agency in the township.

"Many of you know there's been a lawsuit filed by the fire company against the township by attorney (Bob) Kravitz," said township Solicitor Joel Wiest said, explaining that he could not negotiate with anyone present at the meeting. "I can only negotiate with attorney Kravitz."

Details of the lawsuit were not addressed.

Wiest went on to recommend the supervisors table certain agenda items regarding the fire company.

"What that means to you is we’re not going to take any firm actions against the fire company. We’re going to table it. We’re going to kick it down the road so that I can look at everything and discuss it with attorney Kravitz prior to our taking any action," Wiest said. "That was my advice to the supervisors and they accepted that."

Wiest recommended that supervisors table the approval of a letter to the fire company, requesting proof in amounts of liability insurance, and a request for the inspection of electrical systems and other maintenance issues of the fire station.

The supervisors accepted a motion to table those issues until a future meeting.

During a period of public comment, Earl Bowersox, vice president of the Potts Grove Fire Company, raised a question about hall rentals.

"I need to know where we stand with hall rentals in this building. I have hall rentals up until January. I have a big wedding reception here in September," said Bowersox. "You guys are basically giving us 90 days to vacate this building. I’m not going to be the one responsible to call somebody and say, ‘hey, you’ve got to find a new place to have a wedding reception in September.’ I need answers from you guys up front there tonight."

"What I have discussed with the supervisors is the following," Wiest responded. "I suggested to them that if you were willing to give up a list of what's coming up between now and January... no one is going to interfere with anything you have scheduled."

Bowersox responded by asking who would furnish the tables and chairs in the hall if the fire company was terminated.

"The answer is: I don't know yet," said Wiest. "What I’m telling you is, this thing is going to be available for the use of the people that have given you money or that you have talked to."

Wiest added that he was not aware that that tables and chairs belonged to the fire company. Bowersox said he would provide the requested list to Wiest in the near future.

Wiest was appointed solicitor during the meeting, following the approval of the retirement of Solicitor Mike Kaar from the post.

"I’m here to represent the township at this point," said Wiest, addressing meeting attendees. "Quite honestly, I’m aware that there's some turbulence, if you will, within the township at this time. I’m not here to start a fight with anybody or to continue a fight with anybody. I want to be very clear. I’m here to follow the law."

In other business, supervisors accepted a bid from New Enterprise Stone and Lime Company to complete work on Snyder and Dance Hall Roads, in the amount of $47,194. Supervisors also accepted a bid from New Enterprise Stone and Lime Company for the Vogt Road project at the cost of $44,748.

Jenkins Enterprises also submitted a bid for Snyder and Dance Hall Roads at the cost of $57,400, and a bid for Vogt Road at the cost of $63,450.

Matt Jones can be reached at 570-742-9671 ext. 119 or email [email protected]

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